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Backbone view class

class window.ListView extends Backbone.View

The base element to start rendering on.

    el: $("body")

Is called upon class instantiation.

    initialize: ->
        @counter = 0

The element to append on.

        @display_tag = $("ul")

Events bound to this view. "event htmlObject.class#id" : "function_name()"

        "click button#add": "addItem"

A rendering function we defined.

    render: =>

Dom appending a button.

        @el.append("<button id='add'>Add list item</button>")

Dom appending a list.


Event Functions.

    addItem: ->

Increment counter and append to display_tag

        @display_tag.append("<li>hello world #{@counter}</li>")

This is the jQuery ready object, init happens here.

$ ->
    list_view = new ListView()