4.coffee | |
Backbone model | class Item extends Backbone.Model |
Nested properties. | defaults:
part1: "hello"
part2: "world" |
Backbone collection | class List extends Backbone.Collection
model: Item |
Backbone views | class ItemView extends Backbone.View
tagName: 'li'
initialize: -> |
pass |
render: =>
$(@el).html("<span>#{@model.get('part1')} #{@model.get('part2')}</span>")
return @ #aka return this `ItemView`
class ListView extends Backbone.View |
The base element to start rendering on. | el: $("body") |
Is called upon class instantiation. | initialize: -> |
Create a list. | @collection = new List() |
Bind the 'add' event to the @appendItem class method. | @collection.bind('add', @appendItem)
@counter = 0
The element to append on. | @display_tag = $("ul")
Events bound to this view. "event htmlObject.class#id" : "function_name()" | events:
"click button#add": "addItem"
A rendering function we defined. This function is being called during initialization. | render: => |
Dom appending a button. | @el.append("<button id='add'>Add list item</button>") |
Dom appending a list. | @el.append("<ul></ul>") |
Loop through collection and call | for item in @collection
@appendItem item
Event FunctionsThis adds an item after pressing the button. Then creates a new item, getting from the defaults set earlier. Lastly we add the new item to the collection while | addItem: -> |
Increment counter and append to display_tag. | @counter++ |
Create a new item, getting from the defaults set earlier but adding the incremented counter. | item = new Item()
item.set({ |
Re-sets part2 to itself plus the counter. | part2: item.get("part2") + " #{@counter}!"
}) |
Add item to collection. | @collection.add(item) |
Append an item by creating a new | appendItem: (item) =>
item_view = new ItemView( {model: item} ) |
Render returns an ItemView object | @display_tag.append(item_view.render().el) |
This is the jQuery ready object, init happens here. | $ ->
list_view = new ListView()